REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Registration of Chemicals), an EU Regulation, came into force on 1 June 2007 creating one single Regulation for substances and mixtures relating to the protection of health and the environment.
REACH requires suppliers to produce SDS's for each substance in the official language of the county into which it is manufactured or imported. These must also comply with the Classification, Labelling and Packing Regulations 2008.
Under REACH a manufacturer, importer or Only Representative must register their substances in the EU for quantities of 1 tonne or more per year with the ECHA. Registration involves the submission of toxicological and eco-toxicological information, comprehensive risk assessment on how to manage identified risk, proposals for classification and labelling.
IUCLID is a software system that captures, stores, maintains and exchanges data on intrinsic and hazardous properties of chemical substances.The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) require virtually all data submissions within REACH and CLP to be created within this software.
REACH was introduced to improve knowledge of the properties and uses of substances.The formation of Substance Information Exchange Fora or SIEF, it is designed to enable registrants to share, collectively identify and fill gaps that exist in the knowledge of substances.
A successful audit shows not only how you monitor and improve your performance but also how you have complied with the regulatory arena that you operate in.